A "playful" approach at a spaceship simulator (for my daughter). Built around a modular dashboard with a lot of buttons, blinking lights and more. Software running on a Raspberry Pi, written in Python using the Pygame framework.
I've always wanted to build some sort of spaceship simulator, although I wasn't really sure where I was going with this project. I only knew that I wanted a cool instrument panel that can be fun for kids to play with, and plenty of audiovisual feedback. It is by no means meant to be a serious and/or physically correct simulator.
Part 1: The instrument panel
Uses a 3U subrack form factor for modularity
Drawn in QCad and machined on my Shapeoko 3 in 2.5 mm aluminium
Meant to look like old school 70's sci-fi instrument panels
LED panels
The seven segment and bar LED displays use the Texas Instruments TLC59281, which is basically a 16 bit shift register (serial in, parallel out), with constant current LED drivers on the outputs. It's a simple all-in-one IC to drive LED signs and similar.
Despite the large number of individual signals I decided to go in this direction of having a dedicated driver per LED, and not use a scanned matrix divided into rows/columns. The reason is that I can't stand the flicker and reduced brightness of scanned LEDs. Even with a very high scan rate, you'll be able to see the flickering with a camera. Having constant current drive for every LED looks super smooth.
Button and joystick panel
Uses an I2C port expander (Microchip MCP23018) to read button states and drive LEDs
Uses an ADS1115 I2C ADC to sample the three axes of the joystick
Written in Python
Written drivers for the TLC59281, MCP23018 and ADS1115
Mapped all segments and provided a class for the displays to easily add more displays and e.g. easily display a decimal number on a section of a display.
Using PyGame to play back audio, handle timing/fixed frame rate etc.
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